by CORAL Magazine | Oct 28, 2019 | Marine, News & Notes
via MASNA Evaluating the risk of lionfishes in the marine aquarium trade becoming invasive species From a paper by Timothy J. Lyons, Quentin M. Tuckett, and Jeffrey E. Hill Introduction The well-developed global trade in marine ornamental species supports collectors,...
by CORAL Magazine | Jul 27, 2018 | Freshwater, Marine, News & Notes
Editor’s Preface In messages to Delta Air Cargo customers in mid-July, 2018, the company announced changes to their live animal shipping policies that have the potential to seriously impact much of the domestic and international aquarium fish trade. These...
by CORAL Magazine | Sep 2, 2016 | Marine, News & Notes
In a follow-up to the announcement of the New England Aquarium as a Grand Prize winner of the USAID Wildlife Crime Tech Challenge for their smart invoicing technology project, watch this interview with Dr. Andrew Rhyne of the New England Aquarium and Roger Williams...
by Thane Militz | Jul 16, 2015 | CORAL - Thane Militz, Marine
Marine Aquarium Hobbyist Survey Bettering the hobby through research This survey is being conducted by James Cook University, National Fisheries Authority PNG, and the Marine Aquarium Trade Research group. By Thane Militz Have you ever gone into your local fish store...
by Thane Militz | Apr 6, 2015 | CORAL - Thane Militz, Marine, News & Notes
Papua New Guinea (PNG) entered the marine aquarium trade for the first time back in 2007 with a bang, delivering the original Lightning Maroon Clownfish (Premnas biaculeatus) and the Gold Nugget Wrasse (Xenojulis margaritaceus) to aquarists. Photos of highly coveted...