Author Murray Camp reflects on reefkeeper burnout, growing weary of the aquarium lifestyle, and how to avoid a repeat as he re-enters the reef aquarium hobby. Exclusively in the pages of CORAL Magazine, July/August 2023.

“Several years ago, I burned out on the reef aquarium hobby. At one point, I was running as many as six aquariums, including systems requiring substantial time commitments such as jellyfish and non-photosynthetic aquaria. In addition to the husbandry demands of all these systems, I volunteered with marine aquarium organizations, publishing articles, and speaking at reef conferences. Of course, all of these hobby immersive activities came after my essential professional and family obligations. I also had other interests that were being neglected. In retrospect, I am surprised the burnout didn’t happen sooner.” – Murray Camp

Marc Levenson of Melev’s Reef journeyed to Dallas, Texas to photograph Murray Camp’s recently-established reef aquarium for our article. As a bonus, Levenson captured this candid interview with Camp!

Watch The Interview Now

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