The 80-gallon reef aquarium of Italian aquarist Luca Perini is the Aquarium Portrait for the July/August 2023 issue of CORAL!
CORAL Magazine contributor Danilo Ronchi of DaniReef.com first visited Perini’s home in early 2022 to document this inspiring reef tank. Ronchi interviews Perini, allowing CORAL readers to learn all the ins and outs of this aquarium. Plus, you’ll get an exclusive first look at the modest “expansion” that has since occurred; Perini kept his general aesthetic but has since upgraded to a 115-gallon aquarium. You can only see it in the pages of CORAL!
The most exciting aspect of Perini’s beautiful reef aquarium is the example it offers; you don’t need to have a massive aquarium and a limitless budget to create a breathtaking living coral reef display in your home. What perhaps gets overlooked is that Perini’s reef was allowed to grow and flourish. There is some repetition of the corals, which mimics what you are likely to encounter on a natural reef. Time and patience have allowed this reef tank to mature; it’s a balance of relatively standard equipment paired with simply good husbandry and attention to detail.
Even if you can’t speak Italian, there’s no substitute for seeing Luca Perini’s stunning reef aquarium in action.
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