Richard Ross, Matt Wandell and Bart Sheperd brought us the exciting tale of the first captive Hippocampus bargibanti earlier this summer, sharing their breeding success.  We followed up with a story behind the legalities of ever owning a Pygmy Seahorse.

As fall approaches, the Steinhart Aquarium at the California Academy of Sciences has released some stunning new footage of the ongoing work with this charming species. Among other highlights, you get to see what is probably the very first recording of a Bargibant’s Pygmy Seahorse being born (last we year shared stunning footage of the related Hippocampus denise, including birthing and mating of that species in the wild).

If baby seahorses being born isn’t enough, watching the actual collection of the species in the Philipinnes, while narrated by Wandell, is certainly thrilling. Of course, a quirky soundtrack that at first seems to pay homage to Wes Anderson’s film The Life Aquatic makes this video that much more enjoyable. While they’re not exactly Crayon Ponyfish, Steinhart’s Pygmy Seahorse project is certainly captivating and we look forward to more updates (and papers?) as the team continues to break new ground.

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