Please see the updated captive-bred marine fish species list for 2023!

One of the newest “species firsts,” and the last to make it onto the list from 2012, was Karen Brittain’s successful spawning and rearing of Genicanthus wantanabae.
One of the most prevalent topics among marine aquarists first learning of captive breeding is this relentless question: “Which marine fish species have been bred?” This simple-sounding query routinely defies a valid answer as numerous partial lists, and varying definitions of what constitutes “captive breeding,” has ensured that no one really could see the big picture.
Even our German counterparts at KORALLE recently published a “captive-bred” species list that encompassed some 90+ species. While impressive, CORAL editor Matt Pedersen, with the advantage of a ringside U.S. seat perspective, immediately knew there were dozens of species missing from that list. By the time we were done, the number of absent species approached 150.
As 2012 drew to a close, CORAL Magazine teamed up with marine fish breeder Tal Sweet, co-founder of the Marine Breeding Initiative (MBI), to bring to you a truly comprehensive list of captive-bred species, which resulted in Captive-breeding: State of the Art 2013, as published in our newest issue, the Jan/Feb 2013 edition of CORAL Magazine, pages 54-57.
Sweet’s list was driven, first and foremost, by the MBI’s own species database, which is derived by open submissions that are curated and researched by a small team of long-term experienced marine fish breeders.
While the main goal of this process is to assign a difficulty ranking to each species submitted (for the purposes of scoring breeding accomplishments for MBI participants), an offshoot of the data collected includes maintaining records of any species which has been successfully spawned and reared to a juvenile, salable size, solely under captive aquaculture conditions (tanks and larger scale ornamental fish farms).
The upshot of this MBI list is that not one, but several aquarists and scientists are routinely taking note of any new success and finding old ones we’ve collectively overlooked, and submitting them into the database for inclusion. While older, established species may lack references to their first captive-breeding successes (no one doubts that Ocellaris Clownfish have been captive-bred), modern or obscure species often include fully documented references to the captive-breeding efforts, resulting in one of the most reliable and expansive aggregations of marine aquarium fish breeding success data in the world. To be certain, MBI council members don’t post a species as a “captive-bred success” unless they can be certain it has been.
Inspired by Inken Krause’s German list, Tal Sweet took it a step further. As Krause had done in Germany, Sweet combined collaboration with commercial marine fish breeders and retailers in the US with input from other experienced breeders, as well as his own general awareness with the marine fish breeding community, to create a snapshot of availability for each species over 2012.
With over 233 species verified as captive-bred, it should surprise no one that many of these successes have only been one-time, experimental accomplishments. Still, Sweet’s survey of availability suggests that over 100 species of marine fish were available (at some level) as captive-bred specimens during 2012.
Errata, Omissions, Addendums, and Explanations….
We categorized this post in our CORAL Errata blog to note that no sooner did we print our list, than it was no longer complete! Between the time this list went to press, and the time the print magazine arrived on our doorsteps, news broke about ORA’s successful captive breeding of Randall’s Assessor (Assessor randalli) and the Finespotted Jawfish (Opistognathus punctatus)—captive breeding is definitely progressing at a speed like never seen before.
We’d also like to emphasize the photo credit for this article goes to Daniel Knop. The credit is there, but is obscured by the image behind it.
We’d like to point out that some fish were included in our list that perhaps are not truly suited for aquarium life, and yet for the same reason other species may have been omitted. Consider the Tasseled Frogfish, Rhyncherus filamentosus, which is technically a temperate species that should serve more as an inspiration that yes, frogfish breeding is indeed possible (there are also two non-aquarium wrasse species which have been successfully bred, and may find their way onto the list next time). One of our challenges for the next compilation of this species list may be a stricter (or clearer) definition of what qualifies a species to be on an marine ornamental species listing.
We are also aware of at least one glaring mistake in the Panther Grouper (Chromileptes altivelis) being listed as a goby and not a grouper (fixed below), as well as the omissions of handful of grunt species (not typically home aquarium fare) and potentially several rabbitfish species (which are direct relatives of our foxfaces). We noticed that our three listed rabbitfish species show “scarce” availability color coding in our print edition; this is likely an oversight that occurred during our color selections. We are not aware of any aquarium-trade availability of these species during 2012, but they certainly may have been available through the foodfish industry. Does it surprise anyone to learn that foxface-like fish are in fact routinely cultured as foodfish? Perhaps it’s time that some intrepid aquarist takes up the challenge of breeding foxfaces (such as Siganus vulpinus) at home; if you succeed, we’d be delighted to talk about an article and will make sure to get your documented success added to next year’s list!
Correction from Tal Sweet (2/1/2013): “Leafy Seadragons, Phycodurus eques, have not been captive bred “completely” as per the terms of our list. They have been “raised” in captivity but not “bred” in captivity.
We’ve included Tal Sweet’s 2013 list of species below, but to view the list including the magazine’s color-coded availability assessments for 2012, you’ll need to get the January/February 2013 issue of CORAL Magazine. Please support your local aquarium retailer and pick up this issue from one of our many fine independent retailers! Or, if you prefer but don’t already have a subscription, you can easily subscribe online to CORAL Magazine, and if you can’t wait, view your digital edition!
We hope to make the updating of this list, and availability assessments, an annual tradition. We encourage you to share and enjoy what we feel is the most comprehensive and accurate captive-bred marine aquarium fish species list to-date, and we look forward to bringing you an ever expanding list each year to come. – The Team at
Captive-breeding: State of the Art 2013
CORAL Magazine’s definitive captive-bred marine aquarium fish species list through 2012, by Tal Sweet
Angelfishes (Pomacanthidae)
Apolemichthys arcuatus, Bandit Angelfish
Centropyge acanthops, African Pygmy Angelfish
Centropyge argi, Cherub Angelfish
Centropyge colini, Collins or Cocos Keeling Angelfish
Centropyge debelius, Debelius Angelfish
Centropyge fisheri, Fisher’s Angelfish
Centropyge flavissima, Lemonpeel Angelfish
Centropyge interruptus, Japanese Pygmy Angelfish
Centropyge joculator, Joculator Angelfish
Centropyge loricula, Flame Angelfish
Centropyge multicolor, Multicolor Angelfish
Centropyge multifasciata, Multibar Angelfish
Centropyge resplendens, Resplendent Angelfish
Genicanthus personatus, Masked Angelfish
Genicanthus watenabei, Blackedged Angelfish
Pomacanthus annularis, Annularis Angelfish
Pomacanthus arcuatus, Gray Angelfish
Pomacanthus asfur, Asfur Angelfish
Pomacanthus maculosus, Yellowbar Angelfish
Pomacanthus paru, French Angelfish
Pomacanthus semicirculatus, Koran Angelfish
Basslets (Serranidae)
Liopropoma carmabi, Candy Basslet
Liopropoma rubre, Swissguard Basslet
Batfishes (Ephippidae)
Platax pinnatus, Pinnatus Batfish
Platax orbicularis, Orbiculate Batfish
Chaetodipterus faber, Atlantic Spadefish
Blennies (Blenniidae)
Parablennius marmoreus, Seaweed Blenny
Chasmodes bosquianus, Striped Blenny
Enchelyurus flavipes, Goldentail Combtooth Blenny
Hypsoblennius hentz, Feather Blenny
Meiacanthus atrodorsalis, Forktail Blenny
Meiacanthus bundoon, Bundoon Blenny
Meiacanthus grammistes, Striped Fang Blenny
Meiacanthus mossambicus, Mozambique Fang Blenny
Meiacanthus nigrolineatus, Blackline Fang Blenny
Meiacanthus oualanensis, Canary Fang Blenny
Meiacanthus smithi, Disco Blenny
Meiacanthus tongaensis, Fang (Tonga) or Combtooth Blenny
Petroscirtes breviceps, Mimic Fang Blenny
Salaria pavo, Peacock Blenny
Scartella cristata, Molly Miller Blenny
Boxfishes (Ostraciidae)
Acanthostracion quadricornis, Scrawled Cowfish
Cardinalfishes (Apogonidae)
Apogon compressus, Ochre-Striped Cardinalfish
Apogon cyanosoma, Yellow-Striped Cardinalfish
Apogon margaritophorus, Copper-Lined Cardinalfish
Cheilodipterus quinquelineatus, Five-Lined Cardinalfish
Pterapogon kauderni, Banggai Cardinalfish
Pterapogon mirifica, Sailfin Cardinalfish
Sphaeramia nematoptera, Pajama Cardinalfish
Zoramia leptacantha, Threadfin Cardinalfish
Marine Catfishes (Plotosidae)
Plotosus lineatus, Striped Eel Catfish
Clingfishes (Gobiesocidae)
Gobiesox punctulatus, Stippled Clingfish
Gobiesox strumosus, Skilletfish
Clownfishes (Pomacentridae)
Amphiprion akallopisos, Skunk Clownfish
Amphiprion akindynos, Barrier Reef Clownfish
Amphiprion allardi, Allard’s Clownfish
Amphiprion barberi, Fiji Barberi Clownfish
Amphiprion bicinctus, Red Sea (Two-Barred) Clownfish
Amphiprion chrysogaster, Mauritian Clownfish
Amphiprion chrysopterus, Orangefin Anemonefish
Amphiprion clarkii, Clarkii Clownfish
Amphiprion ephippium, Red Saddleback Clownfish
Amphiprion frenatus, Tomato Clownfish
Amphiprion latezonatus, Wide Band Clownfish
Amphiprion leucokranos, Whitebonnet Clownfish
Amphiprion mccullochi, McCulloch’s Clownfish
Amphiprion melanopus, Fire/Cinnamon Clownfish
Amphiprion nigripes, Blackfinned Clownfish
Amphiprion ocellaris, Ocellaris Clownfish
Amphiprion percula, Percula Clownfish
Amphiprion perideraion, Pink Skunk Clownfish
Amphiprion polymnus, Saddleback Clownfish
Amphiprion rubrocinctus, Australian Clownfish
Amphiprion sandaracinos, Orange Skunk Clownfish
Amphiprion sebae, Sebae Clownfish
Amphiprion tricinctus, Three-Band Clownfish
Premnas biaculeatus, Maroon Clownfish
Convict Blennies (Pholidichthyidae)
Pholidichthys leucotaenia, Convict Blenny, Engineer Goby
Damselfishes (Pomacentridae)
Abudefduf saxatilis, Sergeant Major
Acanthochromis polyacanthus, Orange Line Chromis
Amblyglyphidodon aureus, Golden Damselfish
Amblyglyphidodon ternatensis, Ternate Damselfish
Chromis nitida, Barrier Reef Chromis
Chromis viridis, Blue Green Chromis
Chrysiptera cyanea, Blue Devil Damselfish
Chrysiptera hemicyanea, Azure Damselfish
Chrysiptera parasema, Yellowtail Damselfish
Chrysiptera rex, King Demoiselle
Chrysiptera taupou, Fiji Blue Devil
Dascyllus albisella, Whitespot Damselfish, Hawaiian Dascyllus
Dascyllus aruanus, Three Stripe Damselfish
Dascyllus trimaculatus, Three Spot Domino Damselfish
Hypsypops rubicundus, Garibaldi Damselfish
Microspathodon chrysurus, Jewel Damselfish
Neoglyphidodon crossi, Cross’s Damselfish
Neoglyphidodon melas, Bowtie Damselfish
Neoglyphidodon nigroris, Black and Gold Chromis
Neopomacentrus bankieri, Lyretail Damselfish
Neopomacentrus cyanomos, Regal Damselfish
Neopomacentrus filamentosus, Brown Damselfish
Neopomacentrus nemurus, Yellow-Tipped Damselfish
Neopomacentrus violascens, Violet Demoiselle
Pomacentrus amboinensis, Ambon Damselfish
Pomacentrus caeruleus, Caerulean Damselfish
Pomacentrus coelestis, Neon Damselfish
Pomacentrus nagasakiensis, Nagasaki Damselfish
Pomacentrus pavo, Sapphire Damselfish
Dartfishes (Ptereleotridae)
Parioglossus cf. dotui, Dotui Dartfish
Dottybacks (Pseudochromidae)
Congrogadus subducens, Wolf Blenny
Cypho purpurascens, Oblique Lined Dottyback
Labracinus cyclophthalmus, Red Dottyback
Labracinus lineatus, Lined Dottyback
Manonichthys alleni, Allen’s Dottyback
Manonichthys polynemus, Longfin Dottyback
Manonichthys splendens, Splendid Dottyback
Ogilbyina novaehollandiae, Australian Pseudochromis
Oxycercichthys veliferus, Sailfin Dottyback
Pictichromis diadema, Diadem Dottyback
Pictichromis paccagnellae, Bicolor or Royal Dottyback
Pictichromis porphyrea, Magenta Dottyback
Pseudochromis aldabraensis, Neon Dottyback
Pseudochromis bitaeniatus, Double Striped Dottyback
Pseudochromis cyanotaenia, Blue Bar Dottyback
Pseudochromis elongatus, Red Head Elegant Dottyback
Pseudochromis flavivertex, Sunrise Dottyback
Pseudochromis fridmani, Orchid Dottyback
Pseudochromis fuscus, Dusky or Yellow Dottyback
Pseudochromis olivaceus, Olive Dottyback
Pseudochromis sankeyi, Sankey’s or Striped Dottyback
Pseudochromis springeri, Springer’s Dottyback
Pseudochromis steenei, Flamehead or Steen’s Dottyback
Pseudochromis tapeinosoma, Blackmargin Dottyback
Pseudochromis tonozukai, Tono’s or Orange Peel Dottyback
Dragonets (Callionymidae)
Callionymus bairdi, Lancer Dragonet
Callionymus enneactis, Mosaic Dragonet
Synchiropus ocellatus, Scooter Blenny
Synchiropus picturatus, Spotted Mandarin
Synchiropus splendidus, Green Mandarin
Synchiropus stellatus, Red Scooter Blenny
Drums (Sciaenidae)
Equetus lanceolatus, Jackknife Fish
Equetus punctatus, Spotted Drum
Pareques acuminatus, High Hat
Pareques umbrosus, Cubbyu
Filefishes (Monacanthidae)
Acreichthys tomentosus, Bristletail Filefish
Oxymonacanthus longirostris, Orange Spotted Filefish
Frogfishes (Antennariidae)
Rhycherus filamentosus, Tasseled Frogfish
Gobies (Gobiidae)
Amblygobius phalaena, Banded Sleeper Goby
Coryphopterus personatus, Masked Goby
Cryptocentrus cinctus, Yellow Watchman Goby
Cryptocentrus fasciatus, Y-Bar Watchman Goby
Cryptocentrus leptocephalus, Pink-Speckled Shrimp Goby
Cryptocentrus lutheri, Luther’s Prawn-Goby
Elacatinus chancei, Shortstripe Goby
Elacatinus evelynae, Golden Neon or Sharknose Goby
Elacatinus figaro, Barber Goby
Elacatinus genie, Cleaning Goby
Elacatinus horsti, Yellowline Goby
Elacatinus louisae, Spotlight Goby
Elacatinus macrodon, Tiger Goby
Elacatinus multifasciatus, Green Banded Goby
Elacatinus oceanops, Neon Goby
Elacatinus prochilos, Broadstripe Goby
Elacatinus puncticulatus, Red Headed Goby
Elacatinus randalli, Yellownose Goby
Elacatinus xanthiprora, Golden Goby
Gobiodon citrinus, Citron Clown Goby
Gobiodon okinawae, Okinawan Goby
Gobiosoma bosc, Naked Goby
Koumansetta hectori, Hector’s Goby
Koumansetta rainfordi, Rainford’s Goby
Lythrypnus dalli, Catalina Goby
Grammas (Grammatidae)
Gramma loreto, Royal Gramma
Gramma melacara, Blackcap Basslet
Lipogramma klayi, Bicolor Basslet
Groupers (Serranidae)
Chromileptes altivelis, Panther or Humpback Grouper
Epinephelus lanceolatus, Giant or Bumblebee Grouper
Serranus subligarius, Belted Sandfish
Grunts (Haemulidae)
Anisotremus virginicus, Porkfish
Hamlets (Serranidae)
Hypoplectrus gemma, Blue Hamlet
Hypoplectrus guttavarius, Shy Hamlet
Hypoplectrus unicolor, Butter Hamlet
Jacks (Carangidae)
Gnathanodon speciosus, Golden Trevally, Pilot Fish
Selene vomer, Lookdown
Jawfishes (Opistognathidae)
Opistognathus aurifrons, Pearly Jawfish
Opistognathus macrognathus, Banded Jawfish
Opistognathus punctatus, Finespotted Jawfish*
Labrasomid Blennies (Labrisomidae)
Paraclinus grandicomis, Horned Blenny
Pipefishes (Syngnathidae)
Doryrhamphus excisus, Bluestripe Pipefish
Doryrhamphus janssi, Janss’s Pipefish
Dunckerocampus dactyliophorus, Ringed Pipefish
Dunckerocampus pessuliferus, Yellow Banded Pipefish
Haliichthys taeniophorus, Ribboned Pipefish
Syngnathus scovelli, Gulf Pipefish
Puffers (Tetraodontidae)
Sphoeroides maculatus, Northern Puffer
Canthigaster rostrata, Sharpnose Puffer
Lagocephalus spadiceus, Half-Smooth Golden Puffer
Rabbitfishes (Siganidae)
Siganus canaliculatus, White-Spotted Spinefoot
Siganus lineatus, Golden-Lined Spinefoot
Siganus rivulatus, Marbled Spinefoot
Assessors (Plesiopidae)
Assessor flavissimus, Yellow Assessor
Assessor macneilli, Blue Assessor
Assessor randalli, Randal’s Assessor*
Calloplesiops altivelis, Marine Betta, Comet
Seadragons (Syngnathidae)
Phyllopteryx taeniolatus, Common Seadragon
Seahorses (Syngnathidae)
Hippocampus abdominalis, Bigbelly Seashorse
Hippocampus barbouri, Barbour’s Seahorse
Hippocampus breviceps, Short-Head Seahorse
Hippocampus capensis, Knysna Seahorse
Hippocampus comes, Tiger Tail Seahorse
Hippocampus erectus, Lined Seahorse
Hippocampus fuscus, Sea Pony
Hippocampus histrix, Thorny Seahorse
Hippocampus ingens, Pacific Seahorse
Hippocampus kelloggi, Great Seahorse
Hippocampus kuda, Yellow or Common Seahorse
Hippocampus procerus, High-Crown Seahorse
Hippocampus reidi, Brazilian or Longsnout Seahorse
Hippocampus trimaculatus, Longnose Seahorse
Hippocampus whitei, White’s Seahorse
Hippocampus zosterae, Dwarf Seahorse
Bamboo Sharks (Hemiscylliidae)
Chiloscyllium hasseltii, Hasselt’s Bamboo Shark
Chiloscyllium plagiosum, Whitespotted Bamboo Shark
Chiloscyllium punctatum, Brownbanded Bamboo Shark
Hemiscyllium hallistromi, Papuan Epaulette Shark
Hemiscyllium ocellatum, Epaulette Shark
Bullhead Sharks (Heterodontidae)
Heterodontus francisci, Horn Shark
Shrimpfishes (Centriscidae)
Aeoliscus strigatus, Razorfish, Shrimpfish
Snappers (Lutjanidae)
Lutjanus sebae, Red Emperor Snapper
Whiptail Rays (Dasyatidae)
Taeniura lymma, Bluespot Stingray
Toadfishes (Batrachoididae)
Allenbatrachus grunniens, Grunting Toadfish
Opsanus tau, Oyster Toadfish
Triggerfishes (Balistidae)
Balistes vetula, Queen Triggerfish
Xanthichthys mento, Crosshatch Triggerfish
Triplefins (Tripterygiidae)
Enneapterygius etheostomus, Snake Blenny
Wrasses (Labridae)
Parajulis poecilepterus, Rainbow Wrasse*
Lachnolaimus maximus, Hogfish*
Source: CORAL, Vol. 10, Number 1, January/February 2013
Make sure and check up with me for next years list, we will be breeding the Japanese Lumpsucker / Dango-uo / ダンゴウオ(Lethotremus awae) to produce the first ever captive bred coldwater marine species available to the public.
More to come this year also 😉
This is an excellent article, thanks