by Vincent Chalias | Apr 7, 2023 | CORAL - Vincent Chalias, Marine
The portrait of this unique and gregarious fish is truly amazing. Angelfish are among everyone’s favorite fish. They deserve their name and are arguably the most beautiful fish in the sea. Hybrid angelfish are unique, and thus hold a very special place in the...
by Matt Pedersen | Oct 17, 2022 | CORAL - Matt Pedersen, Marine, New Products
A new captive-bred hybrid batfish is an interesting twist on the attractive, yet large-growing fishes from the Platax genus. Image credit: Iwarna Aquafarm There isn’t a huge market (pun intended) for batfishes (Platax spp.) in the aquarium hobby these days. Of...
by CORAL Magazine | Jan 21, 2022 | CORAL - Matt Pedersen, Marine, New Products
F2 captive-bred Regal Angelfish, Pygoplites diacanthus, recently settled, at Bali Aquarich in Bali, Indonesia. Wen-Ping Su’s marine ornamental fish farm, Bali Aquarich, strikes again in the captive-breeding of one of the most challenging marine angelfishes in...
by Matt Pedersen | May 7, 2021 | CORAL - Matt Pedersen, Marine
Being marketed in the US as the “Smokey Lemonpeel” Angel, there is a lot of potential within these hybrids from Bali Aquarich. Image Courtesy Wen-Ping Su. This week, Bali Aquarich founder Wen-Ping Su shared these stunning images of a hold-back from the...
by Matt Pedersen | Jan 8, 2021 | CORAL - Matt Pedersen, Marine, New Products
Continued mixing of species and mutated genes reveals ever more diversity in the basic patterning of designer clownfish Hybridization between the Black Storm Ocellaris and the Picasso Percula Clownfish has yielded yet another exciting hybrid ornamental clownfish on...