Angelfish are among everyone’s favorite fish. They deserve their name and are arguably the most beautiful fish in the sea. Hybrid angelfish are unique, and thus hold a very special place in the pantheon of fish. But this time, I think Mr. Wen-Ping Su, the already legendary owner of Bali Aquarich, produced one of the prettiest and rarest angelfish ever seen on the surface of this planet.
A Hybrid of Hybrids:

As usual, it’s always difficult to know what the parents are when it comes to Bali Aquarich’s aquacultured fishes. With a goal of producing hybrids and unique fish, Bali Aquarich mixes a large quantity of different fish in large broodstock ponds. This particular specimen, as we understand it, is one of 500 fish produced from a pair of hybrid parents, whose genetic mix was the primary hybrid between Centropyge eibli (Black Tail Angelfish) and Centropyge flavissima (Lemon Peel Angelfish). So it’s a second-generation hybrid with both parents themselves hybrids.

A True Beauty:
Out of a lot of 500 fish, with few resembling the Tigerpyge phenotype, one fish stood out in the crowd, having a strong mandarin-dominated body with a blue spotted face. Also, the fish has a few remaining orange bars that trace back to the original Blacktail Angelfish (Centropyge eibli) grandparent. It also sports the blue-ringed eyes and leftover blue head spots, head markings, and opercle edge of the Lemonpeel Angelfish (Centropyge flavissima).

You can see that some blue spots have also start appeared on the front and upper body parts. The target of Wen-Ping Su is to get eventually get a jewel-like angelfish, adorned with blue spots all over the body. I can hardly wait!