by CORAL Magazine | Jan 26, 2024 | CORAL - Matt Pedersen, CORAL Excerpt, Marine, New Products, News & Notes
A striking example of Acropora valida from Fiji. Image copyright Walt Smith International Update, 1/26/24: CORAL readers got the exclusive first announcement that Fiji’s trade in coral was finally set to resume after a 6-year hiatus in the January/February 2024...
by CORAL Magazine | Oct 10, 2020 | Marine, News & Notes
Some of the 400 coral fragments that were created by attendees at the launch of the One Million Coral Planting Project, held by Fiji’s Ministry of Fisheries in celebration of Fiji Day and the 50th anniversary of Fijian independence from colonial rule. The...
by CORAL Magazine | Apr 21, 2020 | Marine
If you’re trying to escape to Fiji anytime soon, you’ll quickly will find out that Fiji has stopped all flights in and out until further notice as the government enforces a strict travel ban to stop the spread of coronavirus. (As of April, it appears to be...
by CORAL Magazine | Feb 28, 2019 | Marine, New Products
Kids around the world are waiting patiently following the cliffhanger ending of “Bula Buddies: The Mysterious Shadow,” the first installment of the Bula Buddies underwater adventure series published in 2018. Author Walt Smith has announced that the...
by CORAL Magazine | Oct 15, 2018 | Marine, News & Notes
via MASNA About the MASNA Pioneer Award At the Marine Aquarium Conference of North America (MACNA) 2018 Banquet in Las Vegas, NV, the Marine Aquarium Societies of North America (MASNA) introduced the MASNA Pioneer Award and awarded it to two pioneers. The MASNA...