by Matt Pedersen | Jan 6, 2023 | CORAL Excerpt, Marine
Cover of CORAL Magazine Volume 20, Issue 1: DWARF SEABASSES (January/February 2023). Images: Lantern Bass, Serranus baldwini, Espen Rekdal/Blue Planet Archive. Background: Echinophyllia sp. ‘Cornbread’s Flaming Bugatti’, Michael Vargas/MVargas Photography at Ocean...
by Matt Pedersen | Mar 18, 2022 | CORAL Excerpt, Marine
Cover of CORAL Magazine Volume 19, Issue 2 – ZOOPLANKTON – March/April 2022. On the cover: Twinspot Anthias, Pseudanthias bimaculatus: BluePlanetArchive/Mark Strickland. Background: Flame-tipped Clove Polyps, Clavularia sp.: Michael Vargas Photography HEREWITH,...
by Matt Pedersen | Oct 23, 2020 | CORAL Excerpt, Marine
Cover of CORAL Magazine Volume 17, Issue 5 – VERMES – November/December 2020. On the cover: Serpulid Feather Duster Worm, Protula magnifica: Denise Nielsen Tackett. Background: Dermal gills on Cushion Sea Star, Culcita novaeguineae: Larry P. Tackett Go to the Digital...
by Ronald L. Shimek, PhD | Oct 26, 2018 | CORAL - Ronald L. Shimek, PhD, CORAL Excerpt, Marine
When You Wish Upon a Staur…ozoan What is that stalked animal that has invaded my reef? By Ronald L. Shimek, Ph.D. Catch a Falling Staur… I have been fortunate in the long and meandering safari that is my life to have spent some time examining and investigating the...
by Ronald L. Shimek, PhD | Nov 16, 2017 | CORAL - Ronald L. Shimek, PhD, CORAL Excerpt, Marine
By Ronald L. Shimek, Ph.D. In the ancient past, about 50 years ago, scientists started to classify potential symbioses in a simple but effective manner. The word “symbiosis” is derived from roots meaning “together” and “living,” so the idea was that if two organisms...