The November/December 2020 Issue of CORAL is printed and on its way from New Hampshire to subscribers and leading local retail shops—on sale November 5th, 2020, at the best marine aquarium retail stores everywhere.
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HEREWITH, a sampling of articles and opening pages for readers curious about what the issue will bring.
Table of Contents for the November/December 2020 issue of CORAL Magazine. You can view this TOC online.“‘These days, every kid with a marine fishbowl is growing Acropora,’ said an old friend recently. ‘Just a couple of decades ago, a guy with tens of thousands of dollars invested in a big reef system couldn’t do it, and the world’s best coral scientists said it would never be done.’ Needless to say, times are changing with dizzying speed these days,” writes Editor in Chief and Publisher James Lawrence, introducing our newest issue of CORAL Magazine.“Tiny flatworms of the genera Waminoa and Convolutriloba have been causing trouble in countless reef aquariums worldwide,” begins Daniel Knop, editor of the German language edition Koralle. Knop concludes, “Luckily, today it is possible to combat these pests easily and fairly specifically without causing havoc among other groups of animals. Our article starting on page 58 of this issue looks at these tiny worms and reveals a surprisingly effective and safe treatment.”Reef News presents findings and happenings of note in the marine world. In this issue: Project Phoenix May Reveal Countless New Species of Stony Corals, Nature’s Marine Meadows Get a Closer Look, and A Head-Turning Aussie Rarity is On Display at the Birch Aquarium at Scripps.REEF VISIONS: A portfolio of extraordinary reef life spotted in the current aquarium trade. The Bali Pink Lemonade Acropora, a new maricultured release from Indonesia’s Bali Aquarium coral farm, captures our attention and hearts in the opening spread.Dr. Ron Shimek and the CORAL team open a veritable Can of Vermes with this issue’s feature topic. Vermes is now obsolete as a formal classification, but the label “worms” is commonly used by taxonomists as a vernacular, descriptive name.Reef Flatworms: A look at the coral-eating Acoel worms and how to control them, brought to you by Daniel Knop and the CORAL staff!Got flatworms? This article may have the answer you’ve been searching for. The Lanthanum Solution offers a look at diffewrent ways to combat flatworms, and perhaps the ultimate weapon.Yellow surgeonfishes, perfect coral reefs, innumerable sea snakes—not in Hawaii, but in Raja Ampat! Join Werner Fiedler, and prepare to be amazed by a region unfamiliar to divers and a genuine marine dream for us aquarists.The client wanted her husband to come home one day to find himself the owner of a thriving built-in reef aquarium that had appeared as the focal point of a large South Florida living room. Reef Aquaria Design had just 30 days to pull off the ultimate surprise birthday gift. Jeff Turner tells all.Whether you call it the Target Mandarin, the Spotted Dragonet, or the Psychedelic Mandarinfish, Synchiropus picturatus remains one of the most fascinating aquarium specimens. However, this species has some specialized care requirements.The third installment of Daniel Knop’s Reefkeeping 101 series on water flow in the marine aquarium focuses on the types of circulation patterns that can be either detrimental or beneficial to your aquarium’s inhabitants.It is more important than ever to support your local fish store (LFS) during the ongoing pandemic. You’ll find a list of some of the finest marine aquarium shops in the country in our CORAL sources directory. Be sure to tell them CORAL Magazine sent you!What, exactly, goes into importing and distributing some of the most mind-melting varieties of the Bubble Tip Anemone, Entacmaea quadricolor? CORAL Sr. Editor Matt Pedersen spoke with Chris Meckley of ACI Aquaculture in Plant City, Florida to bring you a behind-the-scenes look at how the most riotous anemones ultimately make their way into the aquarium trade.
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Miami Gardens, Florida
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