CORAL subscribers, we have a real treat for you in the November/December 2024 issue! A new Public Aquarium Showcase!

Marc Levenson, CORAL Magazine’s executive editor, is delighted to introduce this new feature. “For the past year, I’ve wanted to implement a new recurring feature story that hasn’t previously happened in CORAL, until now. The inaugural article lands in this issue (starting on page 86)—showcasing a mega reef. Many public aquariums maintain beautiful reef exhibits on a massive scale when compared to what hobbyist keep, and we plan to share their stories with you from time to time. This first public aquarium feature highlights a gorgeous coral reef, incorporating large, mature, Acropora colonies that are so difficult for public aquariums to keep…but this one also has a Blacktip Reef Shark (Carcharhinus melanopterus) patrolling its 60,000-gallon watery home. Learn what was involved in the build, including the challenges the team had to overcome to produce this jaw-dropping system. The goal is to immortalize these super-sized exhibits on our pages, detailing how they are operated, and hopefully move you to visit them in person!”
Check out “The Biggest Reeftank from Germany, Karlsruhe! 60.000 Gallon Reef Tank with two Black Tip Sharks and Living Corals.” This incredible aquarium is located at The Vivarium at the State Museum of Natural History in Karlsruhe, Germany. You can read the detailed story of this mega reef in CORAL’s November/December 2024 issue, by authors Charles Delbeek and Johann Kirchhauser. Article references can be found below the video!
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Glaser, A., 2008. Ratgeber Meerwasserchemie: Theorie und Praxis für Aquarianer. Rutger Latka Verlag, Dekan-Fellhauer-Str. 18, D-76359, Marxzell 3. 206 pp.
Kirchhauser, J. 2022. Das Karlsruher Riff: Korallenhaltung im XXL-Format – Teil 1. Korallenriff Magazin Ausgabe 11: 6-14.
Kirchhauser, J. 2023. Das Karlsruher Riff: Korallenhaltung im XXL-Format – Teil 2. Korallenriff Magazin Ausgabe 12: 6-15.
Klausewitz, W. and P. Wilkens. 1979. Handbuch der Meeres-Aquaristik: Seewasserfische und Wirbellose Band III: Knochenfische 3. Teil Knorpelfische und Wirbellose. Engelbert Pfriem Verlag, Wuppertal Elberfeld 334 pp.
Krol, L., Dunker, F.H., LaDouceur, E., Biswell, E., Dilly, J., Delbeek, J.C., Albright, R., Lopez- Nandam, E.H., Reinbold, N., Igel, A., Larkin, L., and J. Hill. Milbemycin oxime (Interceptor) treatment of pycnogonid sea spider infestation of three species of corals. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 54(2): 292–300. https://doi.org/10.1638/2022-0028
Wilkens, P. 1971. Niedere Tier im tropischen Seewasseraquarium. Engelbert Pfriem Verlag, Wuppertal Elberfeld. 128 pp.
Wilkens, P. 1980. Niedere Tier im tropischen Seewasseraquarium Vol. II. Engelbert Pfriem Verlag, Wuppertal Elberfeld. 455 pp.