As the first captive-bred Gonioporas continue to grow they are developing some interesting visual traits!
As the first captive-bred Gonioporas continue to grow they are developing some interesting visual traits!

All images copyright Inter-Fish PTY LTD

First covered in the July/August 2023 issue of CORAL, Inter-Fish PTY LTD in Australia succeeded in breeding Goniopora corals for the first time in captivity! Aquarists might not realize that there is a considerable lead time in creating content for print, which means that the photos used in the issue were taken at least a month or two prior to the issue arriving at retailers and subscriber mailboxes.

So now, it’s time to share a quick pictorial as those babies have continued to grow! Interesting visually chimeric polyps and colonies of mixed phenotypes are just some of the surprises that are showing up in the offspring. Which of these babies corals would you choose, if you could have one for yourself?

If you like baby coral pictures (who here doesn’t?) be sure to follow the team at Inter-Fish for their latest updates as these corals grow into fine young colonies.

We hope you enjoy this photo gallery of images from Dr. Luchang Shao, taken on July 21st, 2023! My how big your babies have grown already!

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