via The Biota Group
Introducing the first-ever Meiacanthus (grammistes x kamoharai) – The hybrid Silver Streak Blenny is an interesting hybrid fang blenny, and these are the first hybrids of these two species ever seen or created. The breeder, David Sowash from Reef Life Creations says, “The Silverstreak blenny was created from captive-bred fish and the attraction of a Kamohara male to the Grammistes females, rejecting the Kamohara females…From the descriptions of the geographic ranges of both blenny species, it raises the possibility of a natural hybrid.”
Most blennies are shy and hide most of the time, but fang blennies are gregarious because they don’t have much to worry about due to a secret weapon – venomous fangs. It’s extremely rare for aquarists to receive a bite; just be careful not to accidentally squeeze or harass your blenny. In the wild, if a fish tries to gobble them up, they inflict a painful bite, and the fish (hopefully) releases them. This confidence allows them to swim out in the open, interacting with and entertaining their humans.
This is an incredibly hardy and reef-safe hybrid with beautiful coloration and lots of personality. Each individual is unique, and like many hybrids, their colors and patterns vary considerably. Sowash says, “The latest batches have a nice yellow in their facial stripes. Some of them may also have less black and may appear with more green. Lighting seems to affect the colors. Strong light brings out the yellows and the silver metallic stripes very nicely.”
They do well in small tanks of 30 gallons or more singly, in pairs, or in small groups in larger aquariums. We recommend a variety of foods like frozen mysis, Easy Reefs DKI pellets, and Masstick. Feeding on C1, C2, PE Calanus, Hikari Mysis
See more at https://shop.thebiotagroup.com/products/silver-streak-blenny