Cover of CORAL Magazine Volume 20, Issue 3: FREE THE FISHES (May/June 2023). On the cover: Redspotted Blenny, Blenniella chrysospilos; A. Schweigert & C. Mahaney/Blue Planet Archive. Background: Plate Coral, Fungia sp.; MVargas Photography at Vibrant Corals, Irving, Texas.
HEREWITH, a sampling of articles and opening pages for readers curious about what the new CORAL Magazine issue brings.
Table of Contents for the May/June 2023 issue of CORAL Magazine. You can view this TOC online.“Is keeping a marine aquarium morally right? Is it ethically correct? Is it something we can do with a clear conscience?…We have pondered this again for ourselves in working on this issue, and we conclude once again that the marine trade and hobby is, on balance, a force for good, for educating others and for helping protect coral reef ecosystems and resources.” – James Lawrence, introducing the May/June 2023 issue of CORAL Magazine.REEF NEWS presents findings and happenings of note in the marine world. In this issue: Some like it hot: coral-killing microbes proliferate when reef waters overheat; Holy grail clownfish a captive-bred first for Quality Marine; Promising coral probiotic is discovered.Reef Visions, a portfolio of extraordinary marine life spotted in the current aquarium trade: We start this edition with this stunning image of a Platygyra sp. at Vibrant Corals and Fish, photographed by Michael Vargas/MVargas Photography.Is collecting fish for public and private aquariums scientifically and morally defensible? Dr. Bruce Carlson answers the question.Martin A. Moe, Jr., a true marine aquarium pioneer, considers the ethics and future of saltwater aquariums in “Reefkeeping When There Is No Planet B.”Doing it with Styles! Russell Kelley’s Coral Explorer series returns with a look at Stylocoeniella, a curious coral prone to hiding in plain sight!Our species spotlight is a feature-length investigation of the Redspotted Blenny, Blenniella chrysospilos, and kin, as reported by Scott Michael.Deep in the heart of the Coral Triangle, Werner Fiedler explores the Banda Sea.Meet The Koralito: Instagram sensation and talented reefkeeper Rocky Eliseo tells all in Fishy Addictions, our glorious Aquarium Portrait for the May/June 2023 issue of CORAL.After Russell Kelley reveals the wild “life and times” of Stylocoeniella in the CORAL EXPLORER series, Sr. Editor Matt Pedersen discussed the genus with notable coral farmer Jason Fox, who happens to be an ardent fan of the genus and responsible for many unique cultivar introductions that aquarists may wish to consider as excellent residents for lower light, niche locations in reef aquariums.Looking for the current issue of CORAL, or perhaps a hard-to-find back issue? Or, just wondering if there’s a local fish shop in your area that you’ve overlooked? Be sure to check the CORAL Sources page, in print and online, to find exceptional aquarium retailers that carry CORAL Magazine.
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