Watch a free, open-access rebroadcast of the recent WAMAS meeting with Australian marine biologist Dr. Dean Miller and the Living Coral Biobank project.

via Washington DC Area Marine Aquarists Society

On August 6th, 2022, WAMAS (Washington DC Area Marine Aquarist Society) held its first in-person meeting since the start of the COVID-19 Pandemic. The successful return to in-person meetings was lead by a presentation given by Dr. Dean Miller, livestreaming from Australia to speak with WAMAS members about the Great Barrier Reef Legacy Living Coral Biobank project. The meeting is also supported by a panel of experts consisting of Dr. Bruce Carlson, Dr. Mary Hagedorn, Keri O’Neil and Tamie Dewitt.

Examples of first frags of conserved stony species in temporary holding facilities at the Cairns Aquarium, Cairns Marine, and elsewhere. Courtesy: Living Coral Biobank.

WAMAS has recently announced an extremely generous $20,000 donation to the Living Coral Biobank project. In another example of the generosity of the WAMAS club and its members, WAMAS has made the recording of this event freely available to the public!

  • To learn more about WAMAS, visit
  • To learn more about the Great Barrier Reef Legacy Living Coral Biobank project, or to offer financial support for this privately-funded aquarium ark, visit

Watch Dr. Dean Miller presenting to WAMAS

Dr. Dean Miller marine biologist and Director of the Living Coral BioBank Project in Australia addresses WMAS.

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