The Internet keeps making the world smaller. This week, a product from SeaTorch, a brand that primarily has a presence in China and Australia, caught our attention.
The Internet keeps making the world smaller. This week, a device for viewing and photographing corals top-down from SeaTorch, an under-the-radar brand that primarily has a presence in China and Australia, caught our attention on Instagram.

Reef aquarist and author Tony Vargas had sent the SeaTorch Coral Viewer to his friends at aquarium retailer and consultant Blue Marine Life in Doha, Qatar. Blue Marine Life shared an enjoyable unboxing video (watch here) which they called “The Luxury Coral Viewer,” and we became curious.

This is one of those times, however, where a bit of internet sleuthing so far hasn’t turned much up. The company’s website appears to be offline (, and a somewhat inactive Facebook presence is curious. We had slightly better luck finding an Australian website for the brand, but interestingly, the Coral Viewer isn’t listed among the product offerings.

The SeaTorch Coral Viewer features design elements to help prevent scratching the viewing pane by elevating it, prevent direct contact when the viewer is placed on a flat surface.
The SeaTorch Coral Viewer features design elements to help prevent scratching the viewing pane by elevating it, prevent direct contact when the viewer is placed on a flat surface.

So we’re pretty much left with an AMAZON product offering for the product (only two left in stock at this time at $39.99), which appears to have the model number OM-200. The viewer boasts a storage bag as well as two smaller colored filters that can be placed on the viewing pane to allow for side-by-side comparisons or perhaps as a quick filter for photography.

There are many top-down coral viewers designed to cut through the surface of an aquarium for a clear, unobstructed view, along with allowing for better top-down photography, so this is simply the latest to come to our attention. Have you tried this coral viewer? Have you tried others? How do they compare? Tell us in the comments!

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