Abalones are widely regarded as excellent herbivores and coveted members of cleanup crews for reef tanks, although their availability in the aquarium trade is often sporadic.
Abalones are single-shelled marine snails widely regarded as excellent herbivores and coveted members of cleanup crews for reef tanks, although their availability in the aquarium trade is often sporadic.

via Unique Corals

These are very special new algae eaters from Bali. They are easy to keep and so far the testing we have done has deemed them to be reef safe. Farmed in a hatchery and from tropical Indonesian waters, these inverts are a fantastic reef-safe choice for algae control. They do love to consume algae so to make sure they don’t starve we recommend adding them to established systems and not overcrowding them. Probably 1 per 30-40 gallons tank size is ideal.

Like any invert, we recommend doing a drip acclimation so they become used to the new water. If removing them from the bag or a hard surface always be careful not to damage them. You can use a credit card to carefully pry the animal loose for placement in its new home. For this reason, we don’t recommend acclimating it in a hard container—instead, keep it in the bag where it will be easier to remove.

Size – These max out around 2.5″ in length. 

These Indonesian-based invertebrates are voracious algae eaters that consume a wide array of available plant organics, available for a limited time.
These Indonesian-based invertebrates are voracious algae eaters that consume a wide array of available plant organics, available for a limited time. Retail price (March 2022): $23.99.


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