The late Andy (Andreas) Schmidt (1953-2021), President of San Francisco Bay Brand, at the company headquarters in Newark, California. He was 68 and is reported to have suffered cardiac arrest. “It was not Covid,” a family friend said.

via Ocean Nutrition

It is with great sadness that I am writing to let all know that Andy (Andreas) Schmidt passed away on December 30, 2021 at his home in Russia. Many will miss him as president of San Francisco Bay Brand, friend, mentor, husband, and brother.

Andy, who was very passionate about the Aquarium and Aquaculture community, took over San Francisco Bay Brand, which his father, Anton, started over 50 years ago. He developed it into a premier retail brand serving the aquatic market.

As many knew, Andy was a perfectionist that wanted to make the best product, run the best company, and be the best person he could be…..and for me, he was!

Andy Schmidt (left) and Aleck Brooks (right, an integral member of the Ocean Nutrition and San Francisco Bay Brand team) representing their company at one of the earlier Aquatic Experience trade shows. Brooks also passed away in 2021, just six months prior to Schmidt.

Andy is survived by his brother Tony, wife Yana, stepsons Dev and Boris. Andy had his funeral and was buried in Russia, near his home, on December 31. Please allow the family their privacy during this difficult time.

San Francisco Bay Brand will continue to operate. I’m committed to continue running the company (as Andy already had me doing as the GM/CEO) with respect for what he dedicated most of his life to creating. In the near future, we will announce a time and place to celebrate his life and remember him as the great friend he was to so many people.


Douglas King
San Francisco Bay Brand Inc.


Editor: It has been said that the aquarium hobby and trade would not be what it is today without the availability of Artemia, both preserved and as a live food. Please watch for more information in the coming days and weeks as both AMAZONAS and CORAL Magazines prepare and share reflections on the life and times of Andy Schmidt.

Pet Age: SFBB President Passes Away at 68

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