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HEREWITH, a sampling of articles and opening pages for readers curious about what the issue brings.
Table of Contents for the November/December 2021 issue of CORAL Magazine. You can view this TOC online.Meet new contributor Russell Kelley, author of the CORAL FINDER 2021 and reef science communicator. Russell’s popular guides and workshops are created in partnership with his wife, Rachel Pears, a Great Barrier Reef marine park ranger and underwater photographer. They are based in Townsville, Australia. Editor James Lawrence says that Russell will be authoring a new series of coral identification articles as well as guides to stony coral species and genera of interest.REEF NEWS presents findings and happenings of note in the marine world. In this issue: Scientists find that table-type Acropora are among the fastest-growing stony corals to re-colonize damaged reef areas in the wild. Also: Lego bricks as coral frag mounts in Singapore research, and the amazing speed of larval reef fishes.REEF VISIONS: A portfolio of extraordinary reef life spotted by Matt Pedersen in the current aquarium trade. In this issue, photographer Michael Vargas stuns us with this astonishing Montipora, a Jason Fox cultivar owned by Sonny Chanthaphone (Raising Reefs) and shown at the 2021 Texas Coral Fest. Read more about this and six more amazing corals from leading marinelife sources.Leading off the feature articles, reef ecologist and coral field guide author Russell Kelley takes a look at the identification and taxonomy of stony coral species that have beguiled and vexed biologists for centuries. In the debut of Coral Explorer, a new regular feature department, author Russell Kelley offers a closer look at Pavona decussata and its near relatives using images of the corals in their natural habitats.In this issue’s cover story, bestselling author Scott Michael takes us on a deep dive with the remarkable fang blennies, members of the tribe Nemophini—some of them ideal reef aquarium species (and some to be avoided unless you intend to buy trouble).Get a memorable guided tour of a carefully planned and maintained fish room, the work of Keith Berkelhamer, known to his many YouTube followers as the Reef Bum. Living in the Green Mountains of Vermont, Keith shares the lessons he has learned and the secrets of growing vibrant, healthy, richly pigmented stony corals.Veteran reef aquarist Felicia McCaulley teams up with aquatic photographer Michael Vargas to profile Acanthophyllia deshayesiana, one of the most coveted species in the current marine aquarium world. Learn all about it, with glorious images of different color morphs of this coral seen in North American reef aquaria.Microbiologist Dr. Tim Hovanec has helped aquarists understand the all-important nitrification process in their systems, and here he presents the second in a three-part series that is a Microbial Mystery Tour of Beneficial Bacteria and Archaea. Looking for CORAL? Find current and hard-to-find back issues from these destination independent aquarium retailers! You can find our current sources in each issue, as well as online!
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