ORA's Jordan Noe explains the reasons for their signature frag plug to Waterboxes's Jess McCcomb.
ORA’s Jordan Noe explains the reasons for their signature frag plug to Waterbox’s Jess McComb.

A pioneer in marine aquarium aquaculture and captive breeding, Oceans, Reefs & Aquariums in Fort Pierce, Florida has seldom opened its doors to the public. This is standard operating procedure in many commercial breeding facilities, which operate in a highly competitive marketplace and tend to guard their trade secrets zealously. Nonetheless, a video crew from Waterbox Aquariums was recently invited in for a a behind-the-scenes tour through one of the world’s premier marine ornamental aquaculture farms. This level of access is a rare treat, now being shared with the readers of CORAL.

An extremely rare hybrid Tridacna (squamosa X maxima) is one of the true standouts from this video.
An extremely rare hybrid Tridacna (squamosa X maxima) is one of the true standouts from this video.

What, exactly, will you get to see as highly personable Jordan Noe, ORA’s Director of Sales, leads Waterbox’s YouTube Hosts Richard Gilland and Jess McComb around the farm?

ORA’s Coral Greenhouse? ✓
Amazing Giant Clams? ✓
A Shark Nursery? ✓
ORA’s Broodstock Building? ✓
1,400 pairs of fish? ✓
ORA’s Pack-Out Facility? ✓
Marshall Islands Maricultured Clams and Corals? ✓
Captive-bred Clean-Up Crews? ✓
ORA’s Grow Out Facility? ✓
Tens of thousands of baby marine fish, all captive-bred? ✓

Take A Tour of ORA While Never Leaving The Comfort Of Your Own Home: Watch Now!

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