A wide range of new marine, reef, freshwater and planted tank additives and supplements are coming to Probidio's product line in 2021.
A wide range of new marine, reef, freshwater and planted tank additives and supplements are coming to Probidio’s product line in 2021.

Aquarists may be familiar with the unique sealed glass vial (ampoule) based line of bacterial additives from Probidio (Per Probidio, the concept of the ampoule comes from the pharmacy industry. Ampoules are hermetically sealed and active substances are being protected until snapping off both ends.)

Today, Probidio USA announced an expanded product line outside of their flagship Aquarium Care Program bacterial products.

via ProbidioUSA

AlkaReef and CalciReef have been available from Prodibio in pre-measured vials for years but this year we’ll see the release of both of these calcium and alkalinity supplements in a more contemporary free-pour kind of bottle. This in itself is nothing all that new but Prodibio will also be releasing a more conventional dry chemical calcium, alkalinity and magnesium as ProMagnesium, ProCalcium and ProCarbonate but there’s also a couple more novel additives that will be joining the range.


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