via Marine Aquarium Societies of North America (MASNA)

The schedule for mini MACNA is available now! mini MACNA starts at 12 pm Eastern on Saturday, February 27th, 2021.

Check out the mini MACNA lineup below!

The last chance to register is 8am Eastern on Feb. 27th.

Speaker Session 1
The Challenges Our Industry Faces
By you, our MACNA community

With Piscine Energetics

Speaker Session 2
Save a Wild Reef, Grow a Captive One.
A 30 Year Journey of Captive Coral Care at GARF.
With Sally Jo Headlee

Panel Discussion
Past and Future Trends in Fish and Coral Price Volatility:
Why, How, and Who?
With Joanne Vega, Alan Luken, Hunter Hammond, Jake Phillips, Matt Pedersen, and mini MACNA hosts Tim Lyons and Kevin Erickson

Speaker Session 3
Spawning a new future for the industry: a decade of coral spawning in aquariums and its potential for sustainable coral production.
With Dr. Jamie Craggs

Additional Giveaway Items

Item Description: JBJ Maxum Battery Backup Airpump
Number of Winners:  1
Value of prize:  $89.99
Item Description: JBJ Aquarium Kit
Number of Winners: 1
Value of Prize: $310.99
Item Description: Aqueon QuietFlow Utility Pump 1200 & 4000
Number of Winners: 1 of Each
Value of Prize: $36.99 – $75.99
Item Description: Coralife Cone Protein Skimmer
Number of Winners: 1 for MASNA members, 1 for Attendee
Value of Prize: $469.99 each

*Giveaway sponsors dropship all gifts direct to winners. By accepting a prize the winner acknowledges the use of their name and contact information by the sponsor in order to send the award. Attendees from outside the Continental US are not eligible for all prizes and/or may be responsible for shipping and handling.

Thank you to Piscine Energetics for supporting mini MACNA as the Level 1 & 2 Sponsor!


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