Honolulu, Hawai’i—This just in: a remarkable new underwater video from the Solomon Islands by Bruce Carlson, Cindy Hunter, and Brian Greene gives a first look at a new 3D Photogrammetry imaging method that may prove extremely valuable in tracking the health of coral reefs.

More to come on this in future weeks, but here is preview provided to CORAL readers by Dr. Carlson.

Solomon Islands: Monitoring Coral Reefs with Conventional Images & 3D Photogrammetry Structure-from-Motion (SfM)

3D images of two coral reefs are featured in this video taken in the Solomon Islands. This method for mapping and visualizing coral reefs is a poweful tool to track change through time. Conventional photos and videos are also presented here showing significant changes on some Solomon Islands reefs since 1992.

Bruce Carlson’s YouTube Channel

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