EcoTech announces Mobius firmware now shipping installed on Vectra and VorTech pumps.

EcoTech announces Mobius firmware now shipping installed on Vectra and VorTech pumps.

via EcoTech Marine

Vectra and VorTech now with Mobius.

Mobius Integration Continues! The next milestone for Mobius, EcoTech’s simpler, easier to use, Reeflink-free control platform, is here.

EcoTech is now shipping all VorTech and Vectra pumps with Mobius firmware onboard.

Mobius offers improved control, but otherwise the VorTech and Vectra lineup remains unchanged.

The info:

  • In June 2020. EcoTech started manufacturing and shipping Vortech and Vectras with Mobius firmware.
  • Mobius firmware pumps will be identified with stickers on the boxes.
  • Mobius firmware pumps can be downgraded through the Mobius app to run with EcoSmart Live (if desired – please see Upgrading and Rollback Best Practices below).
  • Published flow numbers are changing to more accurately describe actual flow produced by pumps, however pump design and performance are not changing.
  • Existing pumps running EcoSmart Live firmware pumps will be upgradeable through the Mobius app to Mobius firmware and compatibility in the near future.
  • EcoSmart Live will continue to operate and be supported.
  • Physical on pump driver control is not changing.

Firmware Upgrade and Rollback Best Practices:

With Mobius now shipping on VorTechs and Vectras community, members will want to update legacy devices to Mobius or possibly revert or rollback firmware to operate with EcoSmart Live.

To accomplish firmware changeovers effectively please be aware/utilize the following.

  1. Expect firmware changeovers to take roughly 10 minutes per device.
  2. If updating make sure the device has the correct hardware to update—review EcoSmart Live under the devices tab to identify this.
  3. Follow app instructions and remove devices from EcoSmart or Mobius tanks in your profile, then factory reset devices. This will reduce the likelihood of interference when performing the update/rollback.
  4. Make sure your smart device will be able to remain in wireless range, is powered/has battery, and will not shutdown/lock during the process.
  5. If your smart device can receive phone calls, put the device in airplane mode, and then re-enable Bluetooth. This will prevent an incoming call from disrupting data transfer during the process.
  6. Be patient—some parts of the process may take several minutes and some devices may take longer than others.

For More Information:

Download the Information packet: All the important details and FAQs.

Watch On Youtube: Playlist of EcoTech Youtube Mobius Videos

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