Newly-settled, 127-day-old, captive-bred Flame Angelfish, Centropyge loricula, revealed today by Florida-based ORA.

Newly-settled, 127-day-old, captive-bred Flame Angelfish, Centropyge loricula, revealed today by Florida-based ORA.

via Oceans, Reefs & Aquariums (ORA)

“Coming soon.”


Editor’s Notes: ORA deserves an award for their PR team’s brevity in announcing the production and anticipated release of the third Centropyge Dwarf Angelfish to be produced in their Florida-based hatchery in Ft. Pierce. This was the last of the “secret projects” we alluded to when earlier reporting on ORA’s new production of Coral Beauties (Centropyge bispinosa) and then Flameback Angelfish (Centropyge acanthops).

ORA is certainly not the first to successfully breed the Flame Angelfish. In the past few years, the late aquaculture researcher Syd Kraul in Hawai’i had routinely produced them in small batches, and they made their way into the aquarium trade, sometimes not even denoted as captive-bred. But with Kaul’s passing, the future of that source is unknown to us at this time.

No word on the actual release date or quantity from ORA, but the opportunity to again purchase a captive-bred, feed-trained baby Flame Angelfish is coming.

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