The PicoPro LED from ReefSmart is a purpose-built pico-reef lighting solution designed for a readily available glass jar.
The pico-reef hobby may well be a cult all its own. With vessels ranging from tiny rimless tanks to the simplest of jars, an equally broad range of off-the-shell and DIY equipment options come to play when creating these smallest of reef aquaria.
Flying a bit below the radar, the PicoPro LED lighting system from ReefSmart aims to do away with some of the hokey, DIY, less-than-visually-appealing options for lighting a small vase reef. Key features include:
- High-power LED system – 24w, 2-channel LED system capable of producing up to 750 PAR at full brightness.
- 2 independently dimmable channels to adjust the light output to a suitable level of brightness and spectrum.
- All-aluminum casing and heatsink function to dissipate heat quickly.
- 5 different colors: choose between antique copper, red, silver, white, or black.
MSRP on the PicoPro LED is $199.00, and you can order directly from ReefSmart. Premium Aquatics also distributes the PicoPro, and currently has limited open-box specials for only $159.99! The light is also currently available through Bulk Reef Supply and Marine Depot, and you may find other retailers on the Reef Smart retailer page.

The PicoPro LED has been designed specifically for use with the Anchor Hocking 2-Gallon Heritage Hill Jar, which comes with a glass cover.
The light is designed to fit the Anchor Hocking 2-Gallon Heritage Hill Jar, which can be found both online and locally at box stores such as Walmart and Target. We encourage you to shop locally instead of having these shipped; not only does shipping significantly increase the jar price, but each glass jar has its own unique imperfections that can affect the viewing of the tank.
How you filter and heat your pico reef is up to you, but with this high-end, attractive lighting solution, one of the most challenging aspects of these tiny tanks has been addressed in an attractive and highly functional package.
Learn more about the PicoPro in this video from Premium Aquatics:
See a PicoPro in action: