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6     Letter From Europe by Daniel Knop
9     Editor’s Page by James M. Lawrence
10     Reef News: CORAL staff reports
20     Reef Visions by Matt Pedersen

28     Spiny Wonders — The echinoderms: Urchins and cucumbers and seastars, oh my! by Ronald L. Shimek, Ph.D.
36     Pentaradial Origami — Unfolding the mysteries of the Echinodermata by Ronald L. Shimek, Ph.D.
60     Asteroid Stalkers — Harlequin Shrimp are a stunning decapod crustacean with a refined taste for live starfish by Matt Pedersen
68     Reef Fluorescence — Nature’s special effects in the wild by Werner Fiedler

78     A reef in space & time — Time, experience, and hands-on husbandry are behind the success of a magical stony-coral reef aquarium by Matthias Kraus

87     Species Spotlight: Multicolor Angelfish, Centropyge multicolor by Daniel Knop
93     Reefkeeping 101 — Hybrid lighting: mixing LEDs and T5s by Dr. Dieter Brockmann
96     Advanced Aquatics: the Indo Connection Trade in live corals resumes, but major challenges loom by Vincent Chalias
106     CORAL Sources: Outstanding aquarium shops
108     CORALexicon: Technical terms that appear in this issue
110     Reef Marketplace: The marine products showcase
112     Advertiser Index
114     Reef life: by Larry P. Tackett and Denise Nielsen Tackett

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