Ember or Redlip Parrotfish, Scarus rubroviolaceus, resting on an Indian Ocean reef at night. Image: Maldive Islands | Larry P. Tackett
The Official CORAL Magazine Wall Calendar

Reef Life 2020, a calendar for marine aquarists and coral reef enthusiasts from the publishers of CORAL Magazine. Back Cover: click to enlarge.
Dazzling in its profusion of colors and fascinating life forms, the coral reef displays some of the richest assemblages of biodiversity on Earth and captivates underwater naturalists, divers, snorkelers, and marine aquarists alike. Images in this collection include glorious reef scenes from the Indo-Pacific; brilliant reef fishes; and portraits of corals and other fascinating reef animals.
Larry P. Tackett and Denise Nielsen Tackett worked as a unique underwater research team for more than 20 years until her untimely passing in 2015. They dived together around the tropical world, photographing and observing marine life and collecting coral reef sponges for medical research. Larry and Denise are the authors of Reef Life, Natural History and Behaviors of Marine Fishes and Invertebrates, and The Essential Underwater Photography Manual. Denise’s captivating images, many examples of which grace this calendar, continue to live on and inspire underwater naturalists everywhere.
Printed in USA
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The perfect gift for all reef and marine aquarists on your gift list!
9″ x 9″ (9″ x 18″ open)
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or $8.00 if you order two or more
Reef Life – Live it 365 in 2020!
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Herewith a sampling of Reef Life 2020 Images.

South Pacific reefscape with vibrant stony coral growth of Pocillopora, Montipora, Porites, Acropora, Turbinaria, and other species. Image: Bismarck Sea, Papua New Guinea | Denise Nielsen Tackett

Zebra Seahorse, Hippocampus zebra, which grows to a height of about 3.5 inches (9 cm). Image: —Lembeh Strait, North Sulawesi, Indonesia | Denise Nielsen Tackett

A commensal Emperor Shrimp, Periclimenes imperator, on a Spanish Dancer, Hexabranchus sanguineus, a large dorid nudibranch. —Lembeh Strait, North Sulawesi, Indonesia | Larry P. Tackett

Mixed shoals of basslets and damselfishes hover around a large Acropora sp. table coral that provides cover when predators approach. —Raja Ampat islands, West Papua, Indonesia | Larry P. Tackett

A Variable Neon Nudibranch, Nembrotha kubaryana, feeding on colonial tunicates, Diazona sp. —Lembeh Strait, North Sulawesi, Indonesia | Larry P. Tackett
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REEF LIFE 2020 Wall Calendar
The perfect gift for all reef and marine aquarists on your gift list!
9″ x 9″ (9″ x 18″ open)
Just $11.95 each
or $8.00 if you order two or more