World Wildlife Fund’s banner image for Earth Hour, 2019.

The World Wildlife Fund is inviting citizens, cities, businesses, and institutions to turn off all unnecessary lights for one hour on Saturday evening, March 30.

via WWF

We live in an interconnected world. Every action we take impacts life around us, and increasingly those impacts are harmful. Our ever-growing demand for food, water, and energy is changing the climate faster than predicted—and it comes at a cost for wildlife, wild places, and people everywhere.

This Earth Hour, millions of people around the world will turn off their lights for one hour to show their steadfast commitment to protecting nature. Together we’ll speak up for wildlife and forests. We’ll show our support for rivers and oceans. And we’ll rally around crucial actions needed to curb climate change.

Life is resilient when we give it the chance to bounce back.

Please join us in turning off our lights for one hour at 8:30 p.m., your local time on Saturday, March 30, 2019, to show your support for a healthy planet.


Earth Hour 2019 Information (WWF)

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