Inside the murky world of the aquarium trade An eight-year undercover investigation has taken down poachers and smugglers raiding Florida’s coastal waters for corals and fish. By Rene Ebersole, National Geographic.

Inside the murky world of the aquarium trade: An eight-year undercover investigation has taken down poachers and smugglers raiding Florida’s coastal waters for corals and fish. Written by Rene Ebersole for National

December 17th, 2018, National Geographic published the latest among a number of online “Wildlife Watch” articles covering the trade in marine aquarium fish and corals.

Author Rene Ebersole.

In the article Inside the murky world of the aquarium trade, author Rene Ebersole details the 8-year long, ongoing Operation Rock Bottom, an extensive investigation by US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and the National National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) which plumbs the depths of the US-based marineaquarium livestock  trade, emanating from poaching and laundered selling of fish and corals from Florida, radiating around the US and destinations abroad.

The article is being scrutinized by both professional and amateur aquarists, and members of the aquarium trade. Readers are invited to comment below.

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