In a partnership with the University of Florida and Rising Tide Conservation, Proaquatix is bringing the first captive-bred Cuban Hogfish to market.
via Proaquatix
Usually, academic and institutional breeding successes lead to the offspring being circulated to other institutions. But an exciting announcement from Proaquatix in Vero Beach, FL, means fans of captive-bred marine aquarium fish will soon have an opportunity to be among the first to purchase and own one of the latest captive-breeding breakthroughs.
“[We are] so excited to announce that we will be offering the first-ever commercially available 100% aquacultured Cuban Hogfish (Bodianus pulchellus)!” says Todd Gill, salesman at Proaquatix.
“They were aquacultured by the University of Florida Research and Education Center with Rising Tide Conservation. Seventy-five percent of our sales proceeds will be donated back to Rising Tide to help fund their marine ornamental aquaculture research. We will be offering these captive-bred gems next week for a great base price, but are hoping to get offers above ‘base’ to better fuel the fundraiser for Rising Tide. [The pictures shown are] of the actual fish to be offered; they were taken at our Vero Beach facility. Quantities are limited to three fish available to any account.
“Let the offers begin!! Email us at Sales@Proaquatix.com #KeepItCaptive #OceanUnexploited”

Proaquatix is encouraging offers with the goal of maximizing the financial benefit to Rising Tide Conservation!