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6 Letter From Europe by Daniel Knop
9 Editor’s Page by James M. Lawrence
10 Reef News — staff reports
22 Rarities — CORAL staff report

30 For Experts Only — Keeping marine fishes that come with husbandry challenges by Scott W. Michael
40 Stamps of caution: 50 species that demand special care and expert husbandry by Scott W. Michael
58 The Zanclus Enigma — Facing the challenges of keeping Moorish Idols by Professor Ellen Thaler
68 Hats Off! to Monti Caps— In praise of Montipora capricornis and its sister species by Felicia McCaulley
90 Aquarium Photography: Part VIII — Shooting Fluorescence: Using black light (UV-A) flash to trigger spectacular effects for the camera by Daniel Knop
96 The Aquatics Industry that Artemia Built — San Francisco Bay Brand celebrates 50 years: 1968–2018 by Jason Oneppo with staff contributions

83 Living room lessons in contemporary reefkeeping by Professor Carlo Kraemer

102 CORAL sources: Outstanding aquarium shops
104 CORALexicon: Technical terms that appear in this issue
106 Reef Stewardship — Acanthaster: From reef pest to aquarium mascot by Samuel Nietzer
112 Advertiser Index
114 Reef Life by Larry P. Tackett & Denise Nielsen Tackett

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