Dr. Bruce Carlson transports us all to Nikko Bay, Palau, with some amazing 4K footage from the coral reef. This outwardly healthy reef is stunning, although it’s not always been that way. According to Carlson, “Just a year earlier the shallow part of this reef had heavy bleaching. I was glad to see it pulled through.”

So enjoy the footage, as introduced by Dr. Carlson:

“No music, no titles, just nature. I saw this little patch of corals and fish and thought it would be worth just letting the camera run for a few minutes. I set the camera on a tripod and swam away so the fish would act as normally as possible.

“If you haven’t visited a Pacific coral reef, just enjoy watching for a few minutes. This reef is in Nikko Bay, depth less than 10′, February 2017. If you have a 4K monitor, watch it in full resolution. Shot using Sony AX100 + Gates Housing.”

Watch Dr. Bruce Carlson’s Palauan Coral Reef Footage Now:

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