Journey to Mexico to see a rare site these days; Acropora palmata, the Elkhorn coral.

Journey to Mexico to see a rare site these days: stands of healthy Acropora palmata, Elkhorn Coral.

Reef Patrol’s Vanessa Cara Kerr and SECORE make a great team. They have now released multiple video projects in partnership with each other. When it comes to telling the story of attempting to restore reefs through sexual coral reproduction efforts, the latest SECORE video trailer makes the topic just about as exciting and suspenseful as one could!

Working at night, researchers in the background of this image are preparing nets to capture the coral spawn from large colonies of Acropora palmata.

Working at night, researchers in the background of this image are preparing nets to capture the coral spawn from large colonies of Acropora palmata.

Cara Kerr couldn’t be specific, but she suggested that a longer video on SECORE’s efforts in Mexico, working with Acropora palmata, would be forthcoming. She noted that further information is available in this recent news release on the SECORE website.

Additionally, SECORE’s Project Mexico pages offer further insights and backgrounds into the coral research being conducted, with the ultimate goal of using sexual coral reproduction for reef restoration in that region.

Watch Now: “Saving the Mexican Acropora palmata

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