Coral wizard Justin Credabel, right, with the band Incognito Sofa Love, Saturday night entertainment at MACNA 2015.
The Marine Aquarium Conference of North America will be bringing an array of live rock of all kinds to the Nation’s Capitol, September 4 – 6, 2015
The organizers from WAMAS (Washington Area Marine Aquarist Society) have announced that the Friday night social it will be Justin Credabel and the MACNA All-Stars
“Friday will be a musical showcase of multiple generations of reef industry professionals and superstars. Brought to you by Boyd Enterprises.”
“The band includes: Alex Sarkis (Drummer Extraordinaire) | Justin Credabel – ReefGen | Isara Grabel | Xenia Forever – Reefs.com | Todd Gardner – MASNA Aquarist of the Year Award Winner | The Yauillo Brothers: Dan, James, John – Long Island Aquarium | Bob Stark – ESV | …and special guests.”
The night will be a musical journey starting from folk and a dabbling of pop, to good old fashioned rock and roll with a funk twist. Easy to listen to, east to groove to.
More details and how to register for MACNA
Saturday after the banquet – the night’s band is Incognito Sofa Love