
Take the 3-Question Bulletproof SPS Survey now.

Our story thus far:

Your good friend is suddenly eager to graduate to keeping SPS corals, after proving that he/she can manage basic water quality and successfully maintain soft corals such as Discosoma spp. mushroom corals and Xenia.

CORAL-Cover-12-5-web-350pxWhat SPS corals would you recommend as good starter species or types?

First, please rate the overall choices, then list a few of your personal favorites. Answers may be used in the coming issue of CORAL on the subject of hardy SPS corals.  (CORAL September/October, 2015, Volume 12, Number 5).

Of the readers who complete this survey, one will randomly be chosen to receive a free copy of The Adventurous Aquarist Guide to Marine Invertebrates by Scott Michael, an $18.95 value.

Take the 3-Question Bulletproof SPS Survey now.

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