A Coral Love Story - an animated short film by Reef Patrol (Vanessa Cara-Kerr) about SECORE.

A Coral Love Story – an animated short film by Reef Patrol (Vanessa Cara-Kerr) about SECORE.

Vanessa Cara-Kerr is at it again, but instead of showing off her filming and video editing skills, she has released a beautiful animation (the type of which I used to do professionally in my days as a full-time interactive software developer). So I say this as a peer – this is impressive work!

The video amounts to an animated infographic, introducing the premise of SECORE to the general public. While many of our readers are likely very familiar with SECORE, if you haven’t heard of it yet, this animation will make a great first look.

After you’ve watched the video, why not see what else we have to offer on SECORE, online and in print? Of course, be sure to also visit SECORE.org!

Image/Video Credits:

Vanessa Cara-Kerr

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