The MASNA Speaks Program helps bring a speaker to your club meeting.

The MASNA Speaks Program helps bring a speaker to your club meeting.

MASNA, the Marine Aquarium Societies of North America, would like to remind our of the MASNA Speaks program, and encourage club members to talk with their clubs about leveraging this highly beneficial program.

This program is available to member societies who include the current MASNA Logo and current MACNA banner, with the appropriate links, on the front page of their websites. Member aquarium clubs choose a speaker from the MASNA speaker database, and MASNA will pay up to $300 of the actual transportation and lodging expenses, for any of these speakers to attend your meeting.  The club must apply to participate in this program at least 45 days before the event.

A full list of information, instructions and forms is available on the MASNA website.


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