Purple Masked Angelfish: Breeding Paracentropyge venusta - by Karen Brittain

Purple Masked Angelfish: Breeding Paracentropyge venusta – by Karen Brittain

We regret than in the holiday rush to bring our January/February 2015 issue of CORAL Magazine to press, we incorrectly credited all images in Karen Brittain’s article to photographer Leighton Lum, when in fact not all images are by him.

Specifically, the following images are from Leighton Lum; page 79, the upper right inset, page 81, bottom photo, P. venusta on day 32, and page 83, upper right, the adult male P. venusta.

All other images which accompany Brittain’s article are in fact taken by Karen Brittain.

We’d like to apologize to both Karen Brittain and Leighton Lum for the oversight.

You can read the full article by Karen Brittain in the Jan/Feb 2015 issue of CORAL Magazine – subscribers can access the digital version in the online archives now!

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