Coral reefs and climate change: A message for Copenhagen - a challenge from 2009

Coral reefs and climate change: A message for Copenhagen – a challenge from 2009

December 3rd, 2009, the Earth Touch Youtube channel issued to a challenge to the nations participating in the 2009 United Nations Climate Change Conference; would 2010 be the time that we finally did something to address climate change?

The delivery of the message was powerful. It stuck with me and definitely inspired the introduction of my “Clownfish Diversity” article, which starts, just like these videos, with a look back at today from a “fictional future” that, unfortunately, could go from science fiction to science fact.

I’ve gone looking for this Earth Touch video on more than one occasion, only to come up empty handed. But recently, our good friend Alexandra Rose finally pointed me in the right direction. It’s noteworthy, watching the full length video now, to mention the dire prediction – Clownfish spp. EXTINCT 2057 – one of many forward looking fictional prognostications that could become all too real.

Here’s the impressive full-length video, which runs 13 minutes.

Don’t have 13 minutes to spare? Then get the synopsis in under 3 minutes.

Clearly, the intent of this video was to motivate decisive action and change, but that certainly did not happen at the Copenhagen Summit as history now records. Still, the content is as moving and thought-provoking today as it was 5 years back. It makes me wonder…

How do you think the world has done to answer this challenge in the subsequent 5 years? Will we live in the future world portrayed?

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