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4    Letter From Europe by Daniel Knop
7    Editor’s Page by James M. Lawrence – Annual Captive Breeding Update
12    Reef News
24    Rarities Coral staff report

32    Seahorses by Daniel Knop
40    Care and husbandry of Hippocampus reidi by Jörg Berger
50    Seahorse diving problems: pressure treatment in the aquarium by Karin Helwig
56    Seahorse rearing the gummy bear way by Karin Helwig
60    Seahorse maladies and how to treat them by Corinna Aichholz and Karin Helwig
62    Tamarin Wrasses by Scott W. Michael
76    Hydroids Part 2: Nematocysts – The ultimate biological weapons by Ronald L. Shimek, Ph.D., photos by Waldo Nell

99    Seahorse Fascination – Piet Hectors’s unorthodox aquarium by Ab Ras

107    Species Spotlight: The Longnose or Donald Duck Shrimp by Daniel Knop
113    Reefkeeping 101: Let there be light! by Daniel Knop and the CORAL staff; Yellow Banded Coral Shrimp by Daniel Knop
118    CORAL sources: Outstanding aquarium shops
120    Coralexicon: Technical terms that appear in this issue
122    Advanced Aquatics: New rules for Hawaii’s biggest “AQ” fishery by Ret Talbot
128    Advertiser Index
130    Reef Life: by Denise Nielsen Tackett and Larry P. Tackett

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