You've seen the black MBI shirts...this is what it's all about.

You’ve seen the black shirts…this is what it’s all about.

Workshop Preview by Tal Sweet

Since 2010 the Marine Breeder’s Workshop has been at the forefront of captive breeding events in North America. The Workshop is part of the Marine Breeding Initiative (MBI, and was created to bring some of the biggest names in marine ornamental fish and invertebrate captive breeding together in one place to speak about various topics related to captive breeding.

MBI participants attending the workshop might be recognized for personal breeding accomplishments.

MBI participants attending the workshop might be recognized for personal breeding accomplishments.

The concept of the Workshop is to provide attendees with the latest information and plenty of time to interact with the speakers and other breeders in an intimate setting. The first event, in 2010, was the first time that Dr. Matthew Wittenrich and Mathew Pedersen were able to speak about the topic at the same event. Other past speakers include: Eric Cassiano, Todd Gardner, Jay Hemdal, Randy Reed, Richard Ross and Dan Underwood.

This year’s list of speakers continues the tradition of exceptional people talking about the latest in saltwater breeding.

  • Matthew Carberry – Sustainable Aquatics
  • Chad Clayton – Reed Mariculture – Culturing rotifers and copepods for use in marine ornamental larviculture
  • Martin Moe – Structure and operation of a unique culture system for rearing the larvae of Diadema antillarum, the long-spined sea urchin of Atlantic coral reefs
  • David Watson – Cardinalfish, beyond Banggai, with tips on constructing a larval rearing system for the small fishroom
Veterinarian David Watson will talk about his experiences breeding Cardinalfish, being one of the few (if not only) aquarists to successfully breed the Pajama and Margaritophorus Cardinalfishes.

Veterinarian David Watson will talk about his experiences breeding Cardinalfish, being one of the few (if not only) aquarists to successfully breed the Pajama and Margaritophorus Cardinalfishes at home.

This year’s Workshop is held at the Cranbrook Institute of Science in Bloomfield Hills, MI. on Saturday, July 13, 2013.

The Cranbrook Science Institute will be home to the MBI Workshop for the 4th year in a row.

The Cranbrook Science Institute will be home to the MBI Workshop for the 4th year in a row.

There is an informal reception at the host hotel on Friday evening. The Workshop kicks off at 9AM on Saturday and includes lunch at noon. On Sunday afternoon there will be a lakeside BBQ at Fishtal Propagations in nearby Waterford, MI.

For more information or to register, visit

Tal Sweet is the co-founder of the Marine Breeding Initiative and proprietor of Fishtal Propagations, a home-based marine fish hatchery in Southeast Michigan.

CORAL Magazine & are proud sponsors of the 2013 Marine Breeder’s Workshop.


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