First 4 covers of CORAL Magazine

First 4 covers of CORAL Magazine

It seems only yesterday that we inherited CORAL Magazine, but the third issue of 2009 is now in the mail and shipping to local aquarium shops and bookstores. (The official publication and bookstore on-sale date is June 9th, so anyone getting copies sooner has a preview.)

We are especially proud of this issue, which carefully looks at all sides of the Banggai Cardinalfish: its biology and mouthbrooding habits, tips on how to breed it and raise the fry (think Marine Guppies), arguments on why we shouldn’t buy wild-caught stock, and, for the first time, strong words from Indonesia experts on why we should support the native fishermen and conservation programs of Indonesia and keep buying wild-collected stock.

We are already working the July/August issue, which features Sea Squirts (Tunicates), a fascinating, diverse group that Daniel Knop thinks reef aquarists should know more about. Also forthcoming: Comet Breeding by Matt Wittenrich, all about Acanthastrea by Anthony Calfo with a truly astonishing collection of new images and unidentified species, and an interview with pre-eminent marine scientist Sylvia Earle on what aquarists can do to help save marine environments.

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