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2     Daniel Knop Editorial
3     Kathleen Wood Editorial
4     Interview:  Scott Michael
12   Oddities
14   Getting Started is Easy
18   Photo Essay: Reticulate Evolution
by Daniel Knop

28   Reflections by J. E N. Veron
36   Reticulate Evolution by J. E N.Veron
46   Spotlight: The Emperor Shrimp (Periclimenes imperator) by Kai Velling
56   Travel: Celebrating the Celebes Sea —
On a Dive Trip off the Eastern Shores of Borneo
by Werner Fiedler
60   Mission Accomplished: Spawning the Spotted Mandarinfish (Synchiropus picturatus) by Wolfgang Mai
66   A Fish Lover’s Dream Tank by Scott Michael
70   Seagrass Aquariums by Julian Sprung    
78   Aquarium Portrait    
82   European Reefkeeping Perspectives
86   UV Shock! A Necessary Part of the Learning Experience? by Professor Ellen Thaler
90   Christmas Showcase    
94   Retail Realm

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