What Does Coral Bleaching Look Like in Hawaii?

What Does Coral Bleaching Look Like in Hawaii?

from CORAL contributor Bruce Carlson Potter’s Angelfish (Centropyge potteri), like other pygmy angelfishes, is always on the move, and it takes time and patience to photograph. Alternatively, you could just set a GoPro camera and tiny tripod on a rock and wait....
VIDEO: Acropora Time Lapse

VIDEO: Acropora Time Lapse

The work of wildlife cameraman Peter Kragh has been seen in many recognizable projects including BBC’s Planet Earth and Life, Nat Geo’s Secret Life of Predators, and the IMAX films Journey to the South Pacific, Under the Sea 3-D, Deep Sea 3-D, and more....
Great Barrier Grief

Great Barrier Grief

Back-to-Back Bleaching Years for the World’s Largest Coral Reef Ecosystem A dreaded and unprecedented new wave of mass bleaching is unfolding on Australia’s Great Barrier Reef, according to Australia’s lead management agency for the world’s...